Cloud Security

Security Assessment for your Cloud workload that identifies and mitigates security weaknesses and misconfigurations

Organizations are adopting Cloud at a much faster pace. The “Lift and Shift” model of cloud migration inherently brings security weaknesses and misconfigurations with it. 

More often, security considerations are overlooked in order to get the Apps working.  

Other common misconception about Cloud security is that, it is the responsibility of the Cloud Provider. While that could be partially true for pure SaaS offering, security is a shared responsibility, whether you are using Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) or or Platform as a Service (PaaS) cloud models  

We offer Cloud Security Assessment service designed to identify and mitigate security risks in cloud computing. 

  1. Cloud Misconfiguration and potential Data Breaches 

  2. Broken Identity, Access Control and Account Privileges  

  3. Insecure interfaces and APIs 

  4. Implement Cloud security Best Practices, DevSecOps